Atlantic Personnel Selection
by Nicolas Roulin, PhD
Saint Mary's University
by Nicolas Roulin, PhD
Saint Mary's University
I am a Professor of Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax (Canada). I received my BSc and MSc in Management from the University of Lausanne and my PhD in I/O Psychology from the University of Neuchatel (both in Switzerland). Before moving to Saint Mary’s, I worked as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and as an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management at the University of Manitoba, Canada.
My research is focused on personnel selection. I am particularly interested in applicants’ behaviors during the selection process, including their use of impression management tactics, faking, or positioning strategies. I also study interviewers’ and organizations’ attempts to detect and deal with faking, employment discrimination, how to use new technologies (e.g., social media, asynchronous video interviews) as selection tools, and developing new forms of assessments (e.g., for workplace psychopathy). More information about my past and current research projects can be found in the “Research” tab.
My work has been published in top I/O psychology and management journals, such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Psychology Review, or the Journal of Business Ethics (see the “Publications” tab for a full list and pdf versions of the papers). My work was presented at several international conferences (the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, the Academy of Management, etc.).
In addition to my research activities, in 2017 I wrote the book “The Psychology of Job Interviews” edited by Routledge. This pocket book offers an extensive review of the academic literature on employment interviewing, and translates it into a series of evidence-based recommendations for practitioners and job seekers. A second/updated edition came out in 2022. I also had the chance to be involved in the 8th edition of the textbook "Recruitment and Selection in Canada" (more information in the “Books” tab).
I am currently an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Selection and Assessment (IJSA) and in the editorial board of several journals (e.g., Personnel Psychology, Journal of Business & Psychology, Personnel Assessment and Decisions). I am a SIOP Fellow. I previously served as the Science Director for the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and on the Executive team of the Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP), including three years in the various Chair roles.
I have also been involved in consulting work in the areas of employee selection and assessment, for instance as a member of the science advisory board for a multinational assessment firm, by preparing leadership assessment reports for a Canadian consulting company, or by helping a Swiss assessment firm secure its national assessment certification. I am always open to discussing potential new consulting projects with interested organizations (more information in the “Consulting” tab).
Throughout my career, I had the chance to work with many undergraduate and graduate students. If you are interested in doing an Honours' thesis, a Master's, or PhD under my supervision, do not hesitate to contact me. I have also taught courses in Personnel Psychology, Human Resource Management, Staffing & Selection, Assessment, Training & Development, Talent Management, or Group Processes.
Saint Mary's University
Department of Psychology
Office MS 319
923 Robie Street
Halifax NS Canada
B3H 3C3
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